Tuesday, June 5, 2018

My Story

I want to share a bit of my story with you all. 2 years ago I hit my rock bottom. I remember going to see my PCP, getting on the scale and seeing that scary number of 191.3lbs I about passed out. My scale at home is off by 3lbs so to see that I was in the 190’s, I’m 5’2 - I was basically a fat shrimp, I couldn’t believe it. This was in January of 2016.

I came across the name Trim Healthy Mama and it intrigued me, I started following the fb pages, ‘how can all these women lose all this weight without working?’ (something I dislike to do with a passion). I kept reading and following. By April I was sooo completely uncomfortable in my own skin that it started effecting my every day life. I know it sounds lame and many won’t understand that feeling. I didn’t want to go out with my friends, go to church, go to parties or family gatherings. I know it wasn’t so but in my mind all I thought about was ‘are they looking at me and thinking why am I so fat?!’ Something needed to change.

I wanted to love ME so I can be a better wife, mom and friend. I have a little reminder in my kitchen ‘when there is nothing left but God that is when you realize that God is all you need’ and I went to Him just like my children come to me. I remember praying and crying at His feet to help me come out of the slump I was in. It was April 10, 2016 Sunday night, before going to bed I prayed that the following day I was changing my eating lifestyle completely and that ‘in the name of Jesus I need His help.’ The following morning I woke up and I cut everything white out of my diet, except a tsp of sugar in my coffee until my sweetener came in a few days later. I didn’t have any of the books. EVERYTHING I learned, I learned from the 2 main fb pages and the AMAZING AMAZING mamas that follow the plan.

I’m beyond Blessed to have a husband who has been on board even before he knew he was on board 😊 and not once has he complained about this way of eating. He himself lost 35 pounds but he deserves his own separate post. 

Now 2 years later, with God’s help, I have lost 55.1lbs and all the glory goes only to Him.

When I started, I set a goal for myself of 130lbs, the weight I was when I got married. I’m not at goal but 136.2 is fantastic enough. I know that if I keep following the plan and exercising eventually I’ll get there but for now I can confidently say I’M HAPPY WHERE I AM. I have learned to listen to my body and understand if it wants carbs or fats or sometimes a little of both.

Thank you to all of you for being such an amazing support system. I started this page to be more accountable to myself and it turned into something much bigger - new friendships!!!! Thank you again and May God’s MOST Richest and Abundant Blessings always be with you and the ones you love ❤️


  1. Thank you for sharing your story. Your recipes look great, and I look forward to trying them!

  2. What an amazing story. I have been following your instagram for a few months now and am about ready to take the plunge to become a trim healthy mama. Your recipes look amazing!

  3. This is incredibly motivating - thanks for sharing.

  4. I first found you on Instagram and never miss one of your stories. So when I heard you mention your blog, I came over. Can't wait to try some of these recipes.Thanks!

  5. I can relate to so many of your thoughts you share! I have had the THM book for a few years now and am getting motivated and encouraged with your recipes. I just wish I could be able to hula hoop like you do :)
